Jeanne's Virtual Quilt Gallery

This wallhanging was a gift for my oldest brother Kerry. Kerry and his wife Terry recently opened a coffee shop, The Steaming Cup, on Main Street in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Tea Time
Tea Time by Jeanne Prue
Machine appliqued, machine quilted

Many of the fabrics in the wallhanging were hand dyed by my daughter-in-law Deb and myself. I entered it in the North Country Quilter's T Challenge where it won 3rd place.

Little Cherub by Jeanne Prue
Little Cherub by Jeanne Prue
Machine pieced, machine quilted

This baby quilt was lovingly made for my niece Kim who will be delivering her little girl any day now. The baby is Miracle #2 for Kim - a survivor of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) when she was 15 years old.


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© 2004 Jeanne R. Prue

This page updated 2005